
  • Is it/Was is a Good Deal is an article that was published in the International Economic Development Council’s Economic Development Journal Spring 2020 issue. The article focuses on the evaluation of the performance of economic development incented projects before, during and after the deal. Click here for a copy of the article.
  • The Effects of Tax Increment Financing on Assessed Land Values is my dissertation published in 2017. The study looked at the increase of land values inside tax increment financing districts in Jackson County, MO and compared those land parcels with parcels in the rest of the County over a sixteen year term. Click here for a copy of the dissertation.
  • Is It/Was It a Good Deal was presented to the Texas Economic Development Council’s Spring Conference in February 2020.  Click here for a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
  • In September 2019, I was asked to present to the Greater Green Bay Chamber of Commerce to discuss airport area development with the example of what has been accomplished at the Kansas City International Airport.  Click here for a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Incentives and the Growing Questioning on the Secrecy Around It, was a panel presentation co presented with me and Jason Giulietti, Raelin Storey, & Gray Swoope at the 2019 International Economic Development Council Leadership Conference.  Click here for a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Is It/Was It a Good Deal was a panel presentation co presented with me and Adriana Cruz, & David Parker at the 2018 Southern Economic Development Council Annual Conference.  Click here for a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Economic Development Leadership Essentials to Recover in a Time of Crisis was a panel presentation co presented with me and Jason Ford, Lynn Knight, & Andrew Levine at the 2018 International Economic Development Council Leadership Conference.  I am proud to have participated in IEDC’s economic recovery assistance program helping communities recover from natural disasters.  In recent years, I have participated in three assistance projects.  My part of this presentation focused on community preparation and assistance programs.  Click here for a copy of my presentation.

I enjoy reading.  The following are books I have read in the last few years, that I recommend you check out if you have a chance.  Check back often, I keep adding to this list!

This group of books are big thinkers…The listing below is not in rank order, just from most recent that I have read.

I am an admitted history & current event geek. The following are good thinkers about public leadership.