Return on Investment

Dr. Pete is a Certified ROI Professional® (CRP) and ROI Institute Associate.

About ROI Institute

ROI Institute helps individuals and organizations evaluate the success of projects and programs, including measuring the financial return on investment (ROI). They do this by providing workshops, consulting, coaching, briefings, keynote presentations, research, and benchmarking services. ROI Institute operates through a network of partners and associates in the United States and in 70 countries, assisted by more than 100 ROI consultants. Their services are tailored to important professional fields. All types of organizations benefit from their services, including businesses, nonprofits, government and nongovernmental organizations, educational institutions, associations, religious institutions, and healthcare providers (

What is ROI?

Important, expensive, and strategic projects often receive a high level of scrutiny. Supporters, sponsors, and top executives – along with critics – all want to know if the project is working. Is it a good investment? What is the impact? What is the ROI?

Fortunately, there is a credible evaluation process to accurately measure the impact and calculate the ROI of such projects. The ROI Methodology®, the most used evaluation system in the world, generates credible data that will satisfy top executives while gaining the support of the chief financial officer (

The ROI Methodology is a balanced approach to measurement that captures five levels of outcome data:

The process always includes a technique to isolate the effects of the project from other influences.  This makes the process conservative and credible.

A Process Model

The 12 steps in the ROI Methodology are logical and systematic, often labeled the enhanced logical framework.

What are the Benefits of ROI?

  • Improve Existing Projects/Programs
  • Confidently Implement New Projects
  • Enhance Relationships with Organization Leadership
  • Build Support and Improve Image of Organization
  • Secure Existing and New Funding
  • Improve Your Decision Making

Frequently Asked Questions