Executive Coaching

Coaching defines skills the community economic development professional is facing by providing direction for problem solving and managing change.

What is Executive Coaching?

According to the International Coaching Federation: “Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative partnership that inspires clients to maximize their personal and professional potential, often unlocking previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.”

What are the Benefits of an Executive Coach?

Leadership Development, such as:

  • Improve communication between public and private leadership and managers/employees
  • Foster the increase in skills to assist in creative problem solving
  • Articulate clear strategies for driving change
  • Implement improved tools in program evaluation/analysis/return on investment
  • Minimize conflicts, problems, and unpleasant surprises

Team Development, such as:

  • Accelerate growth of high-potential team members 
  • Align team members’ strengths to key objectives
  • Improve employee engagement & foster creative problem solving 
  • Crystallize a culture that reinforces the outcomes you really want
  • Identify training and development that delivers the highest ROI

Personal Career Development, such as:

  • Identify key goals for your work life
  • Improve your productivity and influence at your job
  • Broaden your thinking about your next career steps
  • Adjust quickly in a new position
  • Create strategies to help set aside time to think deeply

Frequently Asked Questions