My Story

Burdette (Pete) Fullerton, PhD, CEcD, CEC

I am a 30+ year community economic development professional.  I am currently the Assistant Director – Properties and Commercial Development – Kansas City Aviation Department.  My current focus is on commercial real estate development of aviation properties.  Prior to this position, I served as President & CEO of the Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City and Executive Director of the Platte County (MO) Economic Development Council.  I am a passionate advocate for the benefits of the community economic development process and enjoy coaching professionals in economic development and chamber of commerce organizations.  I have served as the Chair of the Missouri Economic Development Council and the Southern Economic Development Council.

In 2017, I earned a doctorate from the University of Southern Mississippi in Human Capital Development.  In addition, I have earned a number of certifications over the years.  Such as:  economic development finance professional (EDFP), certified economic developer (CEcD), professional community economic developer (PCED), certified return on investment professional (CRP), certified professional coach (CPC), and a certified executive coach (CEC) . 

Over my career, I have been fortunate to have participated in the completion of projects that have directly invested over $3.5 billion and currently employ over 17,000. 

In order to assist community economic development professionals, I have started up “Dr. Pete’s Leadership Accelerator” coaching program.  I had the opportunity to work with an executive coach in the past.  I found great value in sharing and strategizing with my coach the activities I needed to accomplish in order to manage a very complex economic development organization.  Upon reflection, after leaving that position, I determined that a coaching practice that focuses on economic development and chamber of commerce professionals is needed and will be of value to members of this profession.

I am a passionate advocate for passing it on and leaving the campsite better than I found it.  I value character, trust and integrity and look to assist likeminded economic development and chamber of commerce professionals in achieving personal and professional excellence. 

The Mission

Dr. Pete’s Leadership Accelerator utilizes executive coaching and ROI protocols to influence clients that are in the economic development and chamber of commerce professions toward increased leadership growth to achieve advanced professional and personal goals.